Cathulhu Online, MUNYA!

Chapter 335 Cat Dad Travels To Mermaid Kingdom

Chapter 335 – Cat Dad Travels to Mermaid Kingdom

Asgard Bank Platinum Debit Card

The concept of banking isn\'t foreign to the Neo Asgard after the Great Reset. As the gods of Asgard associate with Midgard\'s mortals and the players, they import modern culture and knowledge to their civilization. Now, they have banks, too! Capitalism, HO!

This debit card belongs to Saintess Joan, the Valkyrie. She still has a lot of assets in her bank account. However, it is questionable if anyone can still withdraw her money or use it as it is well-known among Asgardians that Joan is already dead.

Item Type: Cash Card

Rarity: Unknown

Effect: None


Xiaomao knitted his brows as he wondered if he could use the card. Moreover, he had no idea where to use it.

\'Should I visit Asgard or Midgard? But that\'s the enemy\'s territory. It\'s going to be a risky trip if I go there.\'

Xiaomao pursed his lips and turned to Undine, "Say, does the Mermaid Kingdom have banks, munya?"

"Obviously, we have banks and merchant guilds. Why are you asking?"

"Are they linked with the banks from Asgard or Midgard, munya? Can I withdraw money from Asgard\'s banks from the Mermaid Kingdom\'s banks, munya?"

"Of course not. You have to withdraw it from Asgard Bank, not the other banks."

"Then, is there an Asgard bank in the Mermaid Kingdom, munya?"

"Err, yes."

"Even though we\'re at war? You don\'t sanction their banks, munya?"

"We only sanction Pangu Church and their related businesses. In fact, Asgard and the Mermaid Kingdom are not officially at war. There are skirmishes here and there, but everything is swept under the pretense of trivial squabbles. Our countries DO still trade as if nothing has happened… wait a minute, why are you asking?"

"Oh, I have this, munya," Xiaomao showed her the debit card.

Undine noticed the debit card in Xiaomao\'s hand. She wryly smiled, "Did Joan give you that?"


"Sheesh. You\'re such a pimp. How could you extort that from an innocent girl?"

"Call me the MASTER, munya!"

Undine laughed. Because of the debit card, she had an idea.

"Let\'s visit the Mermaid Kingdom while we\'re free. You need to take a short break after a long seclusion, right?"

"Yeah. But before that, I have to report the updates that Pangu did to the game world first. I forgot to tell everybody about it, munya."

Xiaomao turned around and thought of something. He felt like he had forgotten someone.

"By the way, where\'s Lucky, munya?"


Undine and Nymph looked around. They began to sweat as they also forgot about the gnoll girl.



Xiaomao\'s party left the B1 floor and returned to the B4 to pick up the sleeping dog girl. Then, they went home – the B7\'s boss room.

Upon arrival, Xiaomao went to Taotie and Mimir. However, it was unnecessary as Jungwoo already told them everything.

After Jungwoo had arrived here, he accompanied Mimir and Taotie before he went to the residential district to settle down. Then, he returned here, chatting with the seniors.

Upon seeing Jungwoo, Xiaomao waved his hand at him.

"Oh, hey. Have you adapted to the dungeon, yet, munya?"

Jungwoo dryly laughed, "You mean - The Backrooms, right?"

"It\'s a dungeon, though."

"Eh, it looks like the Backrooms to me. You got Level 0, Level 7, Level 37, and a bunch of entities. Don\'t tell me you didn\'t copy the theme on purpose."

"At least, we don\'t have Death Moths, Wretches, or Bone Thieves, munya."

They laughed and chatted for 10 minutes before Jungwoo asked Xiaomao for permission.

"Say, Xiaomao. Can I go outside the dungeon and go back to the Forbidden Forest?"

"Why? Did you forget something, munya?"

"I learn from Senior Mimir that we\'ll soon be at war with Odin, Solomon, and Pangu, and I\'m worried about the beast folks in the forest. If possible, can I recruit them to join the dungeon, too?"

Xiaomao liked the idea, but there was a problem - He didn\'t know how many people Jungwoo planned to migrate here.

"How many people are you bringing here, munya?"

"About five million or so, why?"

Xiaomao almost fainted. His dungeon\'s capacity was merely 500,000 people, but there were too many beast people.

"Err, we can only house about 200,000 more residents, munya."

"Are you sure? I saw the resident floor. It was huge enough for millions of people!"

Undine inserted, "Xiaomao, if we don\'t need to add everybody to the population pool of the dungeon. That pool is reserved for local monsters that work for us, not the guests or the neutral residents."


Being enlightened, Xiaomao was relieved. He gave Jungwoo permission.

"Alright. You can bring them here. Make sure to contact me through the guild chat when you\'re about to arrive, munya. Do you know how to use the teleportation magic circles, by the way?"

Xiaomao taught Jungwoo about the magic circles and staff platforms around the dungeon – There were secret rooms that the dungeon\'s personnel could exclusively access, such as the console rooms, monitor rooms, or tactical rooms, which could be used as a rendezvous point before launching an ambush.

Among each secret room, a teleportation platform or a magic circle had been pre-installed. All MUNYA Guild\'s members and the dungeon\'s residents could operate them at will by simply injecting their mana into it. In addition, the users could choose their destination where they wanted to be sent.

After learning about the dungeon mechanic, Jungwoo was excited. He bid farewell and experimented with the teleportation platform in the B7\'s boss room.

"Alright. It\'s time for us to move as well. But first, I need to find Andrew, Peter, John, and Shepherd, munya."



Xiaomao later found Andrew, Peter, and John in the resident area. The two dwarves had been assisting the new refugees from Earth and from the game world by building houses and tools for their daily lives. As for John, he opened a church under Meowmeow\'s permission.

In John\'s church, there was a huge cat statue on an altar instead of a cross or Jesus. Five elderly women and three elderly men had been sitting on the benches, quietly praying and admiring the interior of the church.

Xiaomao also visited John\'s church to see the subordinate. When he arrived, he noticed that the cat statue resembled Mu-Nyang. Even the smirking grin was the same.

Noticing Xiaomao\'s arrival, John rushed to welcome him. However, he was unable to speak as usual.

Although John had been helping the local residents, he also had some progress.

John Preacher, the Templar High Priest, Level 888

It seemed that he retained the templar class after the guild war. As John couldn\'t speak, Xiaomao had no idea how he got or retained that class.

"I see that you\'ve been working hard, munya. Keep it up!"

John grinned and smacked his chest like the dwarves. He also flexed his priest robe set and a long cane, which he had picked up from dead intruders.

Seeing how John was doing well, Xiaomao left him alone. In addition, as Xiaomao couldn\'t find Shepherd in the dungeon, he postponed the visit to another date. He then consulted with Undine.

"Let\'s visit the Mermaid Kingdom, munya. I want to see how it looks."

"Sure! Let\'s pack our potions and go tomorrow."

"Why tomorrow, munya?"

"You have no idea. There are things we need to prepare before we dive into the ocean."

Xiaomao was confused, but he followed her advice anyway. He would soon understand why Undine had to prepare before they could visit the mermaid country.



The next day, Xiaomao, Undine, Nymph, and an elite team of 500 mermen and 500 mermaids gathered at the Mermaid Sanctuary. All of them were immortals.

Xiaomao was surprised to see such as team. He looked at Undine, questioning her with his look. However, Undine didn\'t answer him as she was busy prepping the team for their long travel.

As for Xiaomao\'s other subordinates, they couldn\'t accompany them as they couldn\'t enter the deep sea. They remained behind to help the local refugees.

Ijin and the Song Clan were also busy with their new homes. They, too, remained behind as they weren\'t ready for an adventure yet. As for the Fire Ant Dungeon Project, Undine already told Mimir about it, and the immortal team would handle it from there.

Xiaomao bid Lucky farewell to everybody and entered the mermaid dungeon together with the team. He transformed into a catopus and dove into the sea.

With Undine as a guide, they didn\'t encounter any traps or encounter hostile monsters. Although the mermaid dungeon also housed neutral monsters, such as Naga and giant sea serpents, they showed respect to Undine and made way for the group.

After navigating through the complex underwater dungeon for five hours, they exited the dungeon through the hidden passage at the deepest part of the dungeon. Then, they found the vast sea behind the Island and under the dungeon.

Although they were at least 10 kilometers under the sea surface, the sea floor glittered with the natural light of the unique corals, seaweeds, and jellyfish. Illuminated by the local creatures, the sea floor became visible.

"This way."

Nymph took charge as a guide and led the way. She swam north, following the corallines.

"Excuse me, hubby. I\'ll need to carry you now."

Nymph suddenly carried Xiaomao in her arms and swam forward, refusing to let Xiaomao swim by himself.

"What are you doing, munya?!"

"Look above you," Undine pointed upward.

Xiaomao looked up. Then, he was horrified. Above them, a thousand mutated orcas swam in a formation, circling around the mermaid group as if they were treating them as prey.

Deep Sea Orca, Level 1,100

"This is the reason we travel in pack. The orcas always hunt stray sea creatures in a formation. If they spot you swimming alone, they will immediately attack us to get you. Also, prepare for battle. These guys always probe their prey with their constellation domain abilities. They will soon attack us!"


Xiaomao was speechless. The deep sea wasn\'t as simple as it seemed.

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