The Last Primal

Chapter 147 - 147 - Back To The City

Under the clear morning sky, a long black-haired young boy could be seen casually crossing through the dense shrubbery of the forest. He was wearing a thin linen short-sleeved beige shirt with khaki-colored simple linen-pants. Even though he was told to wear a bit more, he really hated wearing much, it felt too restrictive. Adding to this, he always had to keep his garment in mind, especially in combat. Even his hair was left freely fluttering against the wind, it felt better, natural that way.

Reaching the edges, he halted his steps and leaned against the trunk of a nearby oak tree. He had a remote look on his face, seemingly lost, gazing at the dusty road just ahead. Despite the early morning, people have already started to form a serpentine line. Looking at it, his golden irises flashed momentarily, his lips curved forming a thin smile. 

This wasn\'t his first time here, nor was it the second. Still, despite that, seeing the entrance, he still remembered the past and couldn\'t help but smile. At that time, he still didn\'t know that years later his two companions from that time will one day be his most important people in life, his family.

Coming back from his memory trip, he shook his head, smirking at himself. Taking a step forth, his figure seemingly vanished from existence, only to appear a couple of dozen meters ahead on the road, at the end of the snaking queue.


Robert was a small trader, selling the crops and everything their village managed to produce in the city marketplace and using that money to gather up all the required materials and necessities the villagers needed. 

Today they came early since they had a long list to complete. They even came with some extra coins just to be safe. He was sitting on his cart, grumbling at their misfortune that despite them trying to arrive early in the morning, they were still too late, and had to wait through the tedious entry process. 

He just casually glanced at the direction of the forest when he noticed a long black-haired farm boy come out and look at the direction of the city. He seemed to be lost in thoughts as he kept his attention towards the gates. However, when he suddenly took a step and seamlessly vanished, he jolted in shock, startling his wife in the process.

"What is it?!" Joyce, the middle-aged brown-haired mature woman looked at his husband with confusion. She was just about to doze off when he suddenly jumped up, as they probably still had at least an hour before they could gain entry.

"T-there w-was a boy…" He pointed towards the spot where he saw that long-haired youth just a moment ago.

Looking at the spot, Joyce grumbled.

"And? Why did you shout?"

"H-he just disappeared… Was it a ghost?" He responded still in a daze, not believing his eyes.

Hearing her husband\'s words, Joyce frowned unhappily. Leaning closer she smelled at his breath before speaking up.

"Hmm… you smell drunk… Maybe you are just still tired. We did have to wake up pretty early today. Go and sleep, we still have an hour at the very least."

Keeping his gaze at the now-empty spot, Robert sighed. 

"Maybe you are right… I am still a bit sle-" His words froze in him as he turned his head around, he noticed the same farm boy behind them, casually taking his spot. He nervously poked at his wife next to him, speaking with a much higher-pitched, agitated tone.

"Joyce, there, behind us! It\'s that boy! He just appeared behind us! Can you see it also?"

Turning her back around on the seat she saw a wild, long black-haired boy. He was wearing poor, baggy linen clothing. He had no baggage on him, seemed to be completely penniless.

Keeping her gaze at the boy, she answered.

"You mean this black-haired boy?"

"Haha, then he really wasn\'t a ghost! I really did see him!" Robert laughed out with joy. He started to think he was seeing things. However, in the next moment, a thought came to mind, that didn\'t let him rest.

"How did he appear here? I swear, he was at that spot a moment ago, then he just vanished, Joyce! Simply vanished into the air!"


Aiden noticed as the chubby, balding middle-aged man pointed at him, discussing his sudden appearance at the end of the line, but he didn\'t really mind. In his opinion, he didn\'t do anything outrageous. Why would he be bothered by them? Besides, they looked good-natured, reminding him of the Nortons.

Thinking about them, Aiden\'s expression soured. How are they now? Did they manage to leave the temple, and got back to their lives? Maybe they left the city? Or, perhaps, they are still recuperating? He made a mental note about it, promising himself to visit them when he gets the chance.

Eventually, after a painfully long time it was finally Aiden\'s turn to pay the entry fee and after a short round of questioning, gained entrance to the city. Thinking back, he could have entered much quicker, using the same route that his master, Number 3 used. However, the reason he didn\'t, was that he didn\'t know if that was a special entrance and could be tracked by the group behind her. She did say that he should be careful, hinting about the group she was also a part of. 

Stepping into the city, Aiden\'s first thought was to take a look at his system\'s map and use his [Dark Sense] to scan his surroundings. He walked to the side, so he wouldn\'t bother the people streaming in, and closed his eyes as he inhaled some air. Keeping it in for a moment, he exhaled, calming his nerves, and released a wave of an enhanced strand of energy to surge a large radius around him and check everything that he could in great detail. 

As the information came flowing back to his mind, he smiled, as most of the things stayed the same as they were all those years ago when he first visited. He could also see the cart of the couple that entered before him was slowly waddled forward, towards the direction of the marketplace.

However, his first stop would be the building that Lily talked a lot about, the city\'s Adventurer\'s Guild, to register as a newbie. That was the best way to find clues about this mysterious Grotto that his main quest was about.

Since he didn\'t know where the place was, he decided that, for the time being, follow along with the couple, and see if he can ask someone or find some markers that would point him in the right direction. After all, the Guild Hall should be an important building in the city, easy to reach. 

Slowly pacing forward, his thoughts once went back to the quest he received. Why is it that there\'s always a punishment added? Who and why is forcing him to play as they so desired? Why would he be even punished with death upon failure? These questions were sadly left unanswered, at least for the time being. He could only follow the whims of the system, he had no choice in the matter.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud noise coming from a bit further ahead. Shaking his head, he looked at the commotion, and amidst the crowd, he saw the top of a familiar cart peeking through. His face turned serious, he sent out an empowered pulse of energy scanning all the life signs ahead. 

Just as he thought the two familiar signals, the couple seemed to be in a quarrel with a larger group of signals. Equipping his white faceless mask, he moved ahead, listening in to what could have happened.

As he pushed forward in the crowd, he focused on their conversation as the situation slowly enfolded in front of his eyes. The cart was stopped, and a pudgy looking man with a group of mercenaries around him blocked the way and stopped the cart.

"Robert, I told you to not come back to this city anymore. You are not welcome here, especially after you tried to cheat on our poor citizens!" The pudgy, mustached guy sneered as he loudly, theatrically exclaimed more to the crowd than to the couple sitting on the cart.

"What are you talking about, Mr. Fallow? What are you accusing us of? You tried to coerce us to sell our wares to you for almost nothing! Now, you come and block our way with your thugs in broad daylight? Have you no shame?" Instead of Robert, his wife, Joyce shouted angrily at the man ahead.

The cruel smirk not fading from his face, the pudgy guy, Mr. Fallow pointed towards the couple. 

"We, the good citizens of Higrove will not listen to your lies anymore! You might as well have some stolen or illegal wares in your cart. My men and I will take on the responsibility and assist the guards!"

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