Spirit Soul

Chapter 148 Orb Of Life

The moment the Undead Heart burst apart, it released the densest death energy Kyle had ever felt.

Simultaneously, the seals on the Undeads and Beatrice had finally been released.

When that happened, it gave way to the mysterious faint light that had been hidden by the dense death aura.

It revealed a bright white shining orb that had been hidden behind the ominous Undead heart.

Kyle stumbled backward a little while taking deep breaths.

He was utterly exhausted owing to the arduous and lengthy task he had finally fulfilled.

Meanwhile, the Undeads were greedily absorbing the released energy, restoring their former power.

Of all the Undeads around him, Beatrice\'s eyes began to gleam brightly.

She was staring at him with a bright smile and an overwhelming lust shining in her eyes.

Sensing his erratic breathing owing to his exhaustion she subconsciously licked her full lips as her fangs were slowly revealed.

In the end, the accumulated desires and lust of 50,000 years were now forcing their way to the outside.

They were flooding her entire body, and making her act on the impulses.

However, Kyle was oblivious to her emotions and his eyes were fixated on the Undead heart that had changed in its entirety.

All of a sudden and without a warning, goosebumps spread all over his body.

It was followed by a premonition that flashed into his mind as he turned his head towards Beatrice.

In the end, not only her sexual desires but also her thirst for blood resurfaced.

Unable to hold back, and without a second of hesitation, she jumped at Kyle, who had yet to overcome the unbearable sensation that radiated from the suddenly released death aura.

It seemed to hold him in place, preventing him from moving the rest of his body.

Somehow, he managed to turn his head towards Beatrice before Kyle felt incapable of moving it anymore either.

It was only a moment after he got the premonition that he felt a sting at his neck.

But before he could understand,  he felt two delicate hands running down his back.

They were lightly stroking over his back, before moving towards his front, lifting his shirt.

A moment later, the hands caressed over Kyle\'s toned body as they moved downwards.

Following that, Kyle\'s eyes grew wide, while Beatrice\'s head was already tilted to the side.

Her fangs sunk into his neck, as she began to suck his blood.

Meanwhile, her hands continued to roam all over his torso while trying to remove his clothes.

Kyle felt a sudden burst of excitement coursing through his body from both her bite and the fact that she was trying to pounce on him in order to mate.

Yet, instead of allowing his lust and desires to overwhelm him, he decided to stop her.

Pushing her hands away from himself, he simply grabbed her wrists.

He didn\'t even have to exert much strength owing to the fact that she had just lost her cultivation base.

At that moment, she lifted her head, while retracting her fangs out of his neck.

She then stared at Kyle with an exhilarated expression as she tried to move her arms to grasp his head.

Smiling vibrantly, she curled her legs around his waist and locked them behind his back.

Her face was inches away from Kyle\'s as she mumbled a faint,

"I knew it!"

After she said this, her faintly glowing crimson eyes rolled upwards.

It revealed nothing but her completely white irises before she lost consciousness.

Her body went limp as she fell on the ground with Kyle\'s blood trickling down her lips.

Gulping down his saliva, Kyle simply looked at Beatrice, confused and flabbergasted about what had just happened.

"Was that what Li meant when he said that she wouldn\'t be able to control her lusts after the seal is broken…We haven\'t even signed a blood pact yet… or did we?" He was not sure what had just happened, and confusion spread through his mind. When she neared him, Kyle felt that something was slowly changing about him…or maybe, it was just a trick of his mind.

Not sure about what was going on, Kyle just noticed that he was able to move, which made everything much easier.

Nevertheless, his gaze remained on Beatrice who had collapsed on the ground.

It was most likely owing to the sudden loss of her cultivation, followed by the overwhelming emotions that had swept over his body.

After that, she tasted warm blood for the first time in her life.

And, her first taste of blood had been none other than that of her soulmate\'s blood that tasted sweet.

Aroused by the sweet taste of blood, she had wanted to go ahead and mate with him.

But, she had fainted the moment Kyle stopped her.

Even though the sensual experience he had just felt was due to the suddenly released lust that had been stored within Beatrice, he couldn\'t help but feel a little bit weird.

Under normal circumstances, he would have been extremely happy at her advances.

He would have proactively reacted when something like that would have happened in his past life, but right now, this was not the case.

It was confusing, and Kyle could only turn his head towards the Undeads while trying to figure out if they had noticed what happened.

However, they seemed to be either oblivious or purposely ignore Beatrice and her acts.

All of the others were fully focused on absorbing the dense death energy the Undead heart had released explosively.

Touching his neck, Kyle brushed his fingers on the spot where Beatrice had bitten him.

Strangely, he didn\'t feel any pain, and neither did his body feel more exhausted than before.

Thus, he concluded that Beatrice hadn\'t consumed too much of his blood, which was reassuring.

Bending down, he parted her disheveled, silky hair, before he smiled lightly.

"Maybe, this will be more interesting than I thought!" Kyle muttered.

Despite her rather odd behavior, he didn\'t think that a journey with another member would be bad.

At the same time, he couldn\'t help but believe that Beatrice was more childish than he had first thought.

She and the other Undeads had lost touch with the outside world and additionally, she would have to start cultivating from scratch.

It will be followed by getting to know the real world, outside the Razkadan castle which had been more of a prison to them.

Looking at Beatrice with a faint smile, he didn\'t even notice that the white glowing orb had fallen to the ground.

It rolled towards him, brushing past his left leg before it was forcefully stopped by Kyle\'s right leg and arm that blocked its path.

Feeling something warm around his right leg and his arm, he immediately turned his head away from Beatrice.

Noticing the white orb, he immediately picked it up.

His hand felt warm, and a soothing sensation spread through his entire body.

It calmed his tensed nerves and helped his muscles relax.

In the end, it also helped him get rid of every doubt that was tormenting his mind and the death aura that had swept through him for the last few months.

It was a miraculous feeling and Kyle couldn\'t help but stare blankly at the white glowing orb which he was now grasping with both of his hands.

There were no runes on it. As such, its appearance was quite simple and only looked like a white orb that glowed brightly, nothing else.

Yet, somehow, Kyle felt as if he was currently unveiling the secrets of life, just by touching it.

Every cell in his body was invigorated, and it felt as if he had just been reborn.

This intrigued him and he was deep in thoughts while trying to comprehend what the orb that was hidden through the Undead heart\'s cover truly was.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt as if it was impossible for it to have anything to do with death.

Rather, it was the direct opposite because it was as if the entire orb was alive.

Continuing to think deeply, Kyle barely noticed that his right hand had begun to ache, which made him avert his attention.

At that moment, the engraving about the Castle\'s Unlimited Supply, that had been on his hand for the entire time since he passed the tutorial trials, began to fade away before it disintegrated into countless faint glowing particles.

Looking up, his gaze followed the particles, and it was just a moment later that his eyes widened in shock.

"Fuck! The castle…is collapsing?!"

At first, he didn\'t feel anything, but when he looked up, he saw cracks appear on the glass panels that revealed the dark night sky.

In less than a second, they shattered and the entire castle began to shake wildly.

The pillar on which the Undead Heart had been hovering had already broken apart, and the Undeads had just finished absorbing the entire death energy.

Thus, the castle was no more being supported by the provided energy and as such, it shook violently.

Having been built for the Undead heart, the castle crumbled like a house of cards in the complete absence of the reinforcing energy.

This brought doom to the Razkadan castle that had been built 50,000 years ago.

It should have long since corroded and collapsed due to its old age, yet the Undead heart had kept the castle firmly standing tall on the ground.

Yet, now that the maintenance of the Undead heart had disappeared, the castle collapsed.

With it, everything inside, including Kyle, the Undeads, and the unconscious Beatrice were on the brink of getting wiped out.

However, Kyle was fortunate to have the Undead powerhouses by his side. They released tremendous energy currents, and after calmly turning towards Kyle, Li shouted,

"I think the Castle\'s time is over! Come here, I\'ll take you outside!" Kyle\'s eyes flicked to the Reaper and saw him picking up the Ruby Soul Scythe that had landed on the ground close to them.

Taking a deep breath, he saw endless darkness envelop the Scythe that vibrated, issuing unique voices as it reunited with its true master.

Just at that moment, the brightly glowing white orb in Kyle\'s hand began to radiate a white hue.

It dispelled the endless darkness, forcing it to retreat, which caused Nitran to back off.

It was because of the natural repulsive reaction of the white orb that the Undeads suddenly retreated a few steps as Li quickly said.

"That orb…repels the forces of death? Wasn\'t it inside the Undead heart?" Li had only taken a glimpse of the orb just before the Undead heart had exploded.

As such, he could only take a look at it, but only from further away because his instincts told him that he shouldn\'t approach it.

"Just store it away, we\'ll have to leave!"  He cautioned while trying to avoid Kyle and Beatrice from being killed by the rubble raining down on them from all sides.

Nodding his head, Kyle took his advice and did as asked.

He still had no idea what the orb was, but owing to its characteristics, he couldn\'t help but call it [Orb of Life].

Storing it inside the spatial ring, Kyle\'s thoughts changed from the orb to Beatrice, who he quickly picked up from the ground.

Then he rushed towards Li, who enveloped the Undeads in a gigantic portal.

A moment later they disappeared from the highest floor of the Razkadan Castle, leaving it for the first and last time in the 50,000 years they had been imprisoned in it.

They were all transported far away from their home and prison and appeared several kilometers away from the Razkadan castle.

Now, they were standing in the open plains which made everyone take a curious look around, trying to figure out how much the surrounding had changed in the course of time.

Unfortunately, there was not much to see, even if the Undeads were not restricted by the darkness of the night.

Meanwhile, Kyle could only take a deep breath before he began to smile brightly as the fresh air filled his lungs.

Following that, chilly air brushed past his hair, and it was the first time in what seemed like an eternity that he felt cold, which was oddly exciting.

While taking out an additional layer of clothing from his spatial ring, he just noticed that he wasn\'t the only one to feel cold. Even Beatrice was shivering lightly which caused him to frown.

\'She definitely isn\'t a Vampire…at least not a normal one! Otherwise, she wouldn\'t have such warm hands, and neither would she feel cold right now…\'

Earlier, he had been sure that Beatrice was not a normal Vampire, even less because the Undeads had said that she was both a unique Vampire and a Succubus.

The combination was weird because a Vampire shouldn\'t be able to procreate, and from what Kyle had known, even Vampire halflings would almost always die.

There would be an exception only if the genetic model of both mating races was extremely similar.

However, that shouldn\'t be the case between an Undead and a living being.

In the end, Beatrice might also belong to a completely different race that had the racial traits of a Vampire, and Succubus, but Kyle didn\'t bother about that.

The moment he had accepted to make a blood pact with her was the moment in which he had decided to accept her as Beatrice.

There was no other identity of her that mattered to her whether it was a specific race or anything like that, just Beatrice!

She might be weak right now, but her knowledge was vast, and so was her talent.

Both these things caused Kyle to be quite interested in how their future path would look like.

Suddenly, the exhaustion of the last few months overwhelmed Kyle, and he could feel tiredness seeping into his bones.

Somehow he managed to barely turn towards the Undeads.

While he put on a few layers of clothes over the unconscious Beatrice, he heard the faint voices of the five Undeads.

"Little brat, may your path be a bright one!"

"Take care of Beatrice, she might be old, but she is naive and ignorant to the real world!"

"I hope we will see you again…but not in the afterworld!"

"Follow your path, and never allow anyone to take away what\'s yours! Never regret anything you do, or your path will be a painful one!"

"Thank you Kyle…we owe you a favor…goodbye!"

Somehow, Kyle felt extremely sad when he heard the five undeads.

But it was just a moment later that his eyes closed and he fell into a deep slumber, right next to Beatrice.

As such, he was oblivious to what happened afterward.

However, this was for the better, otherwise, he might even feel truly sad to part ways with them.

After all, this had been their fate from the beginning!


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