19 Chapter 0019

[You died.]

[A legend can take rebirth immediately after death, with 10% of their total health. You\'ll be revived in 3 seconds.]

[You won\'t lose any experience or items due to rebirth.]

[Rebirth is on cooldown, if you die again within 24 hours, it will be counted as a death and you\'ll be penalized.]

Although all I felt around me was darkness, I could clearly read the notifications in front of me. I suddenly remembered that there was this feature of a legendary class that I had yet to check.

\'So it was like this? Where would my rebirth be? The same place I died at? Isn\'t that just going to get me killed again? It was a rebirth with only 10% HP at that.\'

My thoughts ran faster than horses as I suddenly came to a decision.

\'If I don\'t find a way to survive, I\'ll just have to die again.\'

A thought suddenly flickered in my mind as I directly made a map of the place I was in inside my head.

[You\'ve been revived.]

As soon as I heard that notification, I immediately turned on [Camouflage], as a blinding light hit me and I returned back to the place, just beside the bloodied Zultan who was looking at where I had perished.

"Did you guys just see that light?"

Zultan asked the bunch of orcs, who were already scared out of their wits from the thought of Zultan\'s retribution due to their laughing.

"N-no, we didn\'t see anything, sir Lord."

Gomchul replied in place of all the other orcs, as the orcs shivered behind him.

My back was already sweating just because I was standing beside Zultan. I could imagine the type of fear they were feeling right now.

\'I can just imagine, can\'t relate with you losers.\'

Thinking so, I looked at the mountain just beside us.

It wasn\'t just a mountain, it was a whole range of mountains towering toward the clouds.

If I went inside the forest now, there were high chances of immediately meeting up with this monstrous gang of thugs, which I absolutely wanted to avoid. These people had set their footing below the mountain and ins=ide the jungle to look for the herbs that Zultan was looking for.

It would be extremely logical to think that many of the orcs were currently scattered around the jungle, and getting caught again would just be a matter of time.

So my best bet would be to run up the mountain. It had a pretty irregular shape and there were many inconsistencies in its pattern. It was also totally devoid of any kind of plants or trees, so there was no chance I would run into any orc who was looking for herbs.

I could travel to the other side of the mountain and go back on my search for [Fruit of Separation]. After all, there were 2 marked areas marked after the mountain on the map. It would be the safest decision which will give me plenty of time to look for the fruit.

While I was deciding that, I was already running towards the mountain. I was going as sneakily as possible so as to not make a sound, but I also made sure that I was fast enough.

After all, if I were too slow, I would just end up draining my mana even before reaching the mountain.

After running for quite some distance and making sure that Zultan\'s bunch were far, far away, I canceled the [Camouflage]. In this game, mana, health, and stamina were closely related. And even if one of them hits rock bottom, people would be in severe trouble.

[Camouflage] sucked my mana like a leech sucking blood, so it was better to take caution and not use it when not necessary.

Walking on the hard dark grey mountain stones, trying to avoid any kind of noise, I started walking upward on the uneven mountain path. After a while, the mountain\'s path ended and the only way up was to climb. I suddenly started missing the mountain climbing gears that I had before losing all my items in the [Eclipse Keeper\'s Cave].

Readying myself, I put my hand on the mountain rocks to begin climbing.

"AAAH, fuck fuck fuck!"

I immediately fell back after the hot rock burnt my hand. It was daytime and I forgot how hot rocks can get. Apart from the pain calibrators, the game enhanced all sense, so the burn I felt on my palms was more real than anything else.

I looked through my inventory and got some bandit clothes out. There were many bandit items after I had killed some of the bandits back then, but when I tried to wrap it around my hand, I got a notification.

[....this is not the right way to use the item \'Bandit\'s Bandana\'. If worn like this, all item effects will be nullified.]

Like I need those puny effects, what I need right now is protection from this heat.

And is it only me? Or did the system actually seem to be speechless?


The supercomputers that had created this world were way above anything we can imagine, so maybe the system was sentient. Who cares as long as it did its job.

Wrapping two pieces of bandits bandana on both of my hands, I started climbing the mountain. Although the tips of my fingers still burnt, my overall palm was secured.


Sometimes I hate this realism!

Sweat trickled down from my forehead to my face and my whole back was drenched with sweat. My fashionable clothes with the hoodie made the heat more unbearable.

Caw! caww! cawww!

God knows from where a crow suddenly came and started shouting above my head.

"Shoo! Shoo! Bad crow! Go away from here."

I said, trying to get away from me. Looking down, all I could see was death, which made me extra motivated to climb up. I had already left behind the orcs, so I wasn\'t going to die after falling from a mountain! That would be embarrassing.

Holding tight with one hand, I tried to shoo the crow with my other hand.

Caw motherfucker! Caw!

Wait? Did it just curse me?

"Go away or I\'ll sue you for human abuse!!"

The crow seemed to have gotten even angrier as it started to attack my hands with its peck which were barely holding on to dear life.

"Hahaha, ouch, haha, ug… bruh what is your pro haha."

[You have lost 1 HP.]

[You have lost 1 HP.]

It started to peck on my hands, which hurt and tickled at the same time.

Caw! Caw! Caw!

"Go caw your mom, ouch. Hey hey, I\'ll fall, I\'ll fall. Why do you want to become the first crow murderer so bad?"


[You have lost 23 HP.]

[You have been poisoned with red mountain snake\'s venom.]

[You\'ll continue to lose HP if you don\'t take an antidote soon.]

[Status conditions don\'t work on a legend. You have successfully resisted the \'Poisoned\' effect.]


An otherworldly pain hit me as I felt that someone had just stabbed my balls.

Looking down, I could see a red-colored, almost 2.5 meters long snake dangling from my crotch, his mouth biting down on my precious family jewels.


I was going crazy with all these unexpected events. Tears threatened to break out of my eyes as the indignant feeling inside me kept growing like an inflated balloon. As I was biting my lips and trying to kick the snake off of my crotch, my hands slipped.

This neverending misfortune!

I tried to grab onto just about anything, the skin on my fingers and my nails getting scratched and peeled off. I finally caught on to a big chunk of rock extending out of the mountain as I sighed. I had lost the crow during the fall and the snake was shaken off too.

With one hand still holding on to the rock, my other hand started feeling my jewels.

"Yes, they\'re still fine. My precious jewels!"

*hiss* *hiss*

As I was enjoying the emotional moment, I heard some eerie voices.

Slowly looking up, I saw dozens of red snakes descending from the mountain, some were already on the rock I was holding on to.

"Fuck fuck fuck! Is this some horror movie? Why the heck did the developers make such a setting? Do they just not want people to survive from this part of the map?"

Before long, the snakes started biting my hands, some smaller ones were already roaming all over my body.

"Shit! I have had enough. Fuck you all."

I loosened the grip around my hands as I started falling down the mountain. I couldn\'t care less about it at this point so I just both my middle fingers towards the snakes while my lips stretched and made a menacing smile.

"Dying and knowing that I will be reborn… Why do I crave this feeling so much?"

From the bottom of my heart, I had this question. I didn\'t like dying, obviously. But whenever I felt like I would die in the game, I would get this inner urge inside me to let go of sanity. I would be expectant of the rebirth that I would feel after waking up.

Isn\'t it just dreamlike to be able to die and then get another chance? Wish it was the same in the real world too, where we could just do a replay if we lost the first time.

I closed my eyes slowly, I knew this was just a game, but enjoying a fall was one of the things on my to-do list before dying.

Totally unaware of the turbulence in space beneath me, I fell and fell and fell.

\'Wait… isn\'t it taking too long? I shouldn\'t take so much time to hit the ground.\'

I finally opened my eyes and what greeted me was a world of wonder.

[Welcome to Abyss.]

[You\'re the first one to discover this hidden dimension. For the next week, all types of drops and rewards are increased by 275%.]

[Beware, the Abyss isn\'t very kind to visitors.]




Hi guys, this is an important notice.


I am travelling to a different state tonight due to some personal business. However, the state in question has been through some public unrest in the last few days and government has shut off the internet.

As per the new, internet shut down is for 24 hrs, so hopefully it returns by tmrw, but if it doesn\'t, farewell until I return.

And once it does, I will take a few days to get back to normal schedule and begin the 2ch/d as promised.

I won\'t be able to reply until I have internet. Adios superstars! Take Care! And keep voting until I return :)

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